Monday, April 22, 2013

Nostalgia and Prom

Yep, there we are!  This was my Senior High School Prom in 1984 with my beloved.  He looks so dashing and young, and possibly stoned.  Gotta love that bowl haircut on him and my own take on the mullet.  Never considered my hairstyle "the mullet" until my kids pointed it out.  Bastards...even though I really can't deny it.  Anyway, notice the fingerless gloves?  This was the time of Boy George, The Thompson Twins, and many other "alternative" music bands from across the pond.  My favorite was The Cure.  Yes, Hunter and I are one of those high school sweethearts that made it.  We celebrated our 23rd anniversary yesterday.  He was sick and pissy.  I was over him being sick and pissy.  So I pressure washed everything outdoors and now can barely lift my arms.  I also accidentally took his blood pressure medicine this morning.  Needless to say...not much has gotten done.

She still loves purple.


  1. Congratulations on going the distance! I love that photo - you both look great. What did you do to celebrate? How could I have forgotten about The Thompson Twins?

    1. I tried very hard not to kill him. He is still not well. We will hopefully celebrate this Friday. Fingers crossed I am not sick by then.

  2. Oh I love this! He is a cutie! I recall singing "Hold me now" out the top of my lungs out the window of my friend's dad's Dodge Dart. Love those bands! Yay for 23 years and for taking hubs' blood pressure meds - wonder why he has high blook pressure??? You were as cute as a button - that wasn't a mullet - you tell your kids that only Billy Ray had a real mullet. Your hair was STYLED! And the fingerless gloves! SO Madonna!

    1. Actually saw them and Cyndi Lauper in concert in college. I ended up taking an hour and a half nap this afternoon because of the meds.

  3. Oh yeah, I had those gloves in black and white lace and a matching rag that I would tie in my hair and let dangle into my food - quite special.
    Incredible that you've been together all that time, and fab 80's pic, I wish I had kept some of them.

    1. Two years later I was really into the BIG hair. Remember perms? They were such a staple and now hardly anyone gets them.
