Tuesday, March 19, 2013


I thought I would post a few pictures from my walk today.  Yes, spring is coming.  Do not lose hope.

Wake up to the flowers.  Yes that is a huge pack of toilet paper to the right of the desk.  Not ashamed.  We do wipe.  Painting is Buddha & Roses by Tony Chimento here.
Dalilies are starting to come out.
Fish are no longer frozen and want to be fed.
Forsythia is blooming.
Going to need to mow soon.
My dogs:  Maggie, Peanut, Minnie
Maggie we stole from some guy who showed up at our door to tell us we stole her - she had worms, buckshot in her, and looked like she had just had puppies when she came to us.
Peanut we actually did steal from our neighbor in the trailor.  Don't worry, he didn't care he had already gotten new puppies.
Minnie we took because a guy who worked for us was going to jail and she needed a home.
Sunny, aka Puppy, has come out to walk with us.  He's another neighbors but loves this dog so we won't steal him.
Well...we are in East Tennessee.  They were here before we bought the property.
Finally a flower!
Our beautiful home with the attached day spa.
Maple is about to be glorious.
Cherries too.
Weeping Willow.  A Mother's Day gift many many moons ago.
Hyacinth and Lenten Roses
Peanut's done.


  1. BB, cherry trees to go with the maple *swoon*. Would be happy to go back to DC for the seasonal burst again. Good envious of your acreage and pups (we have had both in past, but not option with current city coop-up and rescued kitty.) Peanut's happy hang-dog makin' me smile. Have a good one. How soon 'til trip?

    1. Thursday night we leave for Miami. Haven't been back to South Florida since we left 20 years ago. On the boat Saturday. Gonna be fun.

  2. My gosh it's beautiful there! Your home is gorgeous and it all looks so peaceful. The provenance of your dogs, that cracked me up!

  3. Tennessee is just so beautiful. Thanks for sharing your photos of (almost) spring! Good to know that there are dog "thieves" like you out there.

  4. BB - I love your home and your property - what a lovely spot!!! I want a nice little fishpond myself someday. I am feeling very peaceful after looking at all of this!!!

    And your dogs are delightful and obviously knew where to come!

    1. Some how word is out to come to our house. My dogs are also very friendly. We actually had an injured turkey vulture hang around trying to be adopted into the family. Dogs didn't seem to mind.

  5. I love you home and land too and it makes me miss ours in georgia!
    What sweet dogs you have:)

    1. Ah Georgia. I am becoming quite fond of Atlanta. Between shopping and the kids competitive sports I have spent a lot of time there. I do also have a kitty but she is too important to mess with the pups.

  6. You're so lucky to have all that literally on your doorstep. It must be even lovelier when everything's in full bloom. Cute pups as well.

    1. Maybe if I'm not too lazy I'll do another in full bloom. Minnie is really afraid of the camera though. It's like a thunder storm..sound and flash I guess.

  7. Beautiful pictures cherry trees, weeping willow are brilliant love those pictures
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