Saturday, July 26, 2014

Just Do it!

Be a runner with this Running Program for Absolute Beginners!
My daughter sent me this "pin".

I sent her this one:


  1. I did a 8 km walk this morning. I am not a runner and don't get runners high but I can walk miles! Keep up the good work.

    1. Yay you! I may have to start walking soon because I just can not get rid of this plantars fasciitis in my left foot.

    2. Dont keep running in that case BB!! Hope you went to physio stretched and are rolling a tennis ball while watching tv!!

  2. I'm not the runner - but I can sleep for the olympics, i can do a nap in the arvo and still sleep for ten hours a night...which actually may not be that healthy after all and is why I started The Pan diet. Thanks for your encouraging words today, I will stick with it!!!

    BB re planter f. my husband had that for so long - are you wearing the sexy boot to bed? He gets it even a little and on goes the boot - works like a charm

    1. Not in the boot but I do wrap it. It has gotten so much better these past few days.

  3. Ha! You and Em are so funny. I have an exercise video (classical stretch/essentrics program) for PF, let me know if you'd like to try it I'll send it to you. I gave one to my Aunt Deb and it cured her.
    I was once a competitive runner but no longer, I used to love it. Sometimes I think about starting again but too lazy!

    1. This is the third time I have had it. PF seems to come when I wait too long to replace my sneakers.

  4. I used to run 5k consistently but find it hard on the body. Trying to find a good substitute.

    1. I have decided to run 1 mile three to four times a to get my time a bit better. Not sure if I will do a 5k again but I won't be afraid of it.

  5. I am a walker like Naomi, but I admit that in the recent spate of humidity, I have fallen off, so need to get back at it again!

    1. My pups keep me honest with the walks in the morning. My gut keeps me honest with the other exercise.

  6. there is usually a point during my run when my body wants me to stop and it will do anything it can to convince me. When I ignore my body's complaints my mind will take over with all of its mischievious machinations. On my run the other day as I was pushing through this grind, those images of your 5k popped into my head as my mind was telling me: "Blue Booby ran a 5k even though she just started running! and in that heat, but you cant make it up this hill in the shade? you should just stop. this isnt for you. go sit" Fortunately I am used to my minds sneaky tricks and devilry and I usually forge ahead

    I dont know if all runners have this crazy or if its just what happens to those of us who are inherently lazy but run anyway
