After what seems like FOREVER suffering with "the hack", I do believe I am finally well, willing, able to take on the New Year.
This is what we have been doing:
Drinking, eating, repeat |
We had some very generous family, friends, subs, and vendors. We got a bit fat. I am now training to run another 5 K this coming summer...this time I plan to run the whole way. Em will do it with me. She's now up to 10 miles in her training for the 1/2 marathon. If you have some time, please visit
her running buddy's blog here. They need encouragement!
Yep, that's studly and I in Vegas...The Wynn, or maybe Encore. We had a great time with the old people. My folks have requested to be referred to as something besides "the old people". I suggested Near Deads but they did not seem too receptive to that either. Maybe Marvy Mike and Sassy Sandy? Suggestions are welcome. The smoke filled casinos set me back with my creeping crud. Alcohol seemed to help. Won a bit of money. Yay!
All flowers. Makes me ache for spring. |
Bellagio. Year of the Goat/Ram. |
Bellagio. Who's ready to garden? Anyone? |
That's all I have. We did go see an Illusionist/Magician at Tropicana one evening. Was silly fun. I must have looked quite special (in my Hermes scarf from Chicago - still love it) because the guy picked ME from the audience. I had to write my phone number on his bicep. I made up a number...I panicked giving my number to a complete stranger. I also got four separate comments about the J Crew elephant tee I have on above. Okay, I wore it two days but nobody mentioned that. A hostess, a security guard, Marvy Mike, and some chick at the airport all said they liked it. A winner.
We are gearing up to remodel our bathroom. I have everything picked out. Just waiting on my builder and a few days of nice weather.
I am embracing the grey. |
It's pretty. Finally got a bit of exotic in my life.
I have seen in theaters The Hobbit, Into the Woods, and American Sniper. I have watched at home The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (?), The Equalizer, Lucy, and A Walk Among Tombstones(?). I am presently reading Wild. That about covers it all except...
These guys came to see me a couple weeks ago:
So how is everybody's new year so far?