Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Play the above video for a little mood music as I take you on a short trip to Kentucky....


We are off to the beautiful town of Danville, Kentucky

Hunter, myself, and our friends M & J headed out Thursday morning so that we could meet our host that evening.

Fun fact:  Pigs are selling for $50

On the left is our buddy J and on the right is our host Stephen Powell with a whole buncha bourbon.

Ate dinner here:

We stayed here:

Comfort Suites
Not a lot of choices

We did not get to our hotel until roughly 10:30 PM.  It had been well into the 90s and they had the air conditioner turned off.  It was stifling.  Needless to say, did not sleep well.


We watched Stephen blow:

Mitzi, his manager, assistant, boss, what have you, brought this lovely, and thankfully dead, rattlesnake that was killed the night before for us to enjoy.  Well I'll be damned.

Took a break and went to Dollar General to get J a razor.  We found a lovely cemetery that dated back to at least 1818.  Lots of Civil War soldiers.  I had to take a picture of what seems to be the going style in tombstones...

Stephen was commissioned by Maker's Mark for a piece in their gift shop.  Guess who showed up to watch him blow also?  Yep, we got to meet both Bill and Rob Samuels plus some kids.  So...guess where we headed next?

Hand dipped by Hunter.

Yes, this was after the testing room.

Stephen's piece

The tour was great, hot, but great.  We have heard of all on The Bourbon Trail it is the best.


We ended up in Louisville, Kentucky

We stayed here

21c Hotel Museum

Ate here:

Proof on Main

M, J, Me, Hunter

Toured the hotel's museum

Me filming, M dancing, J with his mouth open.  Who's that in the back?

 Was fantastic.  Highly recommend 21c.

Saw the ponies

Churchill Downs

I bet on two races.  My first race I could not decide between two horses so I bet $2 on each to win.  They came in 1st and 2nd.  Yay!  My second race, my horse came in dead last.  He basically trotted across the finish line he was so far behind.

Roamed around Nulu

Thought of DaniBP

Speed Museum - Temporarily closed but this was a satellite

Garage Bar Hunter's carrying my purchase, M's in yellow wanting a beer,
 J's in yellow checking out the crashed cars

Mayan Market MondaysThe Mayan Cafe
Mayan Cafe - Highly recommend


Stevie Ray's Blues Bar

Great time was had by all!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Peer Pressure: Ann Taylor Flirty Skirt

First of all, I want to apologize for any spelling mistakes.  I suddenly can not remember whether it's "ea" or "ee" for just about every word.  When did this happen?

I first saw the Ann Taylor Striped Organza Skirt here and thought, "Well, isn't that cute."  Now, A Bigger Closet always inspires me with her very well put together clothes and really helps me focus on what I have already in my closet.  I didn't have one of these though.


And Ann Taylor styled it so well.  Go here.
Well I can style it too.  I was thinking Springtime in Italy maybe...

"Flirty Spring Skirt" by htharri on Polyvore

They recently sent me a $50 off $100 order for making an in store purchase.
Sadly, I am not sure what the hell I purchased.  Oh well.
So let's order the sucker.  I ordered a size 10 and I am not sure if I should have ordered an 8.

First look..

Hmmm.  Not bad.  Still not sold on a chambray shirt (No one tell The Chambray Queen) because it just always feels so heavy.  I have had this for years and probably have worn it three times.  

Same styling but with the only other skirt I own...


Second look...

Yes Emily, I have your sweater on and you will now have the "slouchy" look.  Feeling frumpy.


Third look...

I feel a bit flirty in this.  The jacket helps tamper the skirt down.

I'll be in my office going over expense reports.


Final look...

Now I remember why I seldom wear this shirt.  Too much material.  Got it to fit the girls but too big everywhere else.  Sigh.

It's a cute skirt but just not made for my body.  No amount of steaming, pressing, will get rid of the big bell shape.  I need to stick with A line or pencil. It is going back.


On other news, I recently read in Hunter's Oprah Magazine....yes, it comes addressed to him :)...that since I am over the age of 45 I should only wear shorts 11 inches or longer.  Do shorts come longer than 11 inches?  Aren't those culottes, gauchos, peddle pushers, capris...pants?!  Now they say if you have great legs wear (see here I struggled with "ea" or "ee") any length you want regardless of age.  For those of different ages...35 and under you can get away with 2" shorts (not sure if I could keep my ass cheeks contained in those).  35 - 45 you can wear 4" shorts.  45 and older, BAM, straight to 11".  Not sure exactly why, I'm not even a big short wearer, but this kinda ticks me off.

0 9192
1 919

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

My Dear Friend

Remember this lovely tree...

I am so distraught...

Hunter's sad too.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Yellowstone Summer Vacation

Yellowstone Summer Vacation

Yellowstone Summer Vacation by htharri

We are going on another family vacation.  The calendar has been brought out and everyone is available for exactly one week this summer...even Hunter.  He does not want to be left out.  We shall go to Jackson Hole for a few days.  Swim, raft, ride horses, go to a rodeo (we may even get a behind the scenes tour...COWBOYS!), Teton National Park.

We will then head out to Yellowstone National Park for a few days of glamping (hmmm).

I have my tickets set, reservations made, and clothing picked out.  Now I just have to wait a couple of months.  I do hope the crowds are not too maddening...

Crowd to watch Old Faithful