Happy Belated Thanksgiving!
At least it is not December quite yet. Let me tell you my Thanksgiving story (it's a little long)....
We left November 21st for Vegas! I really wanted to go somewhere for Christmas this year since last year was such a joy. I was told I could not. Emily is now traveling about New Zealand (she'll be home this Sunday...yay!). That left Hunter, Tyler, and I. Let's do Vegas. Marvy Mike and Sassy Sandy decided to join us. Hunter's parents did not. We shall be home next thanksgiving.
There they are...Marvy Mike, Sassy Sandy, and The Yeti
We had a great time. We ate, we drank, we gambled, we bonded. From 6:30 AM to midnight. A lot of bonding time. Of course Tyler is on a different schedule than we are. We get up, have breakfast, go for a walk, play some slots, get ready to rest, get a text "I'm up!", find him, have lunch, gamble and walk some more with him...all day, every day.
When we go to Vegas, we always go from Sunday to Thursday. So our travel back home day was Thanksgiving. Wednesday I did not feel quite right. Our plane was leaving at 8:30AM on Thanksgiving so I went to bed early.
In the hotel, they have a Master Switch to turn off the lights. If you hit this, you can not turn individual lights on until you hit the Master Switch again. That evening and all through out the night, my tummy hurt. I was in pain. It cramped. I'm a belly sleeper. Could not sleep. Sometime in the night I had to poop. No lights. I know, too much information, but I'm a wipe and look kinda gal. I like to know I got it all. Hunter's a wipe, wipe, wipe again and hope for the best. Not me. I couldn't see! Too miserable to care. Back to bed. Up at 5:29AM to poop again...not the runs, real poop. I felt awful.
Dressed, brushed my teeth, deodorant, nothing else. Not sure I even combed my hair, no make up. Now most taxis our gas efficient. OUR taxi driver drove a Mustang. Who drives a Mustang as a taxi? Of course, Hunter commented about horsepower, speed, etc. The driver decided to gun it, swerve, basically beat his chest and show off. By the time we got to the airport, I was sweaty clammy. You know that feeling. In the door, to the bathroom, throw up out my nose, out my mouth.
Years ago I had the stomach bug and it decided to leave me after I had drank grape juice. I have never had grape juice again. This time, wine came up...hey, I was in Vegas. Still sick, still no wine. Anyway, I felt sooooo much better. Looked like hell.
Flew from Vegas to Atlanta without incident. Except I forgot to put the lid up for the toilet. I am a squatter over public toilets. Now you know everything about me. Needless to say, I dribbled a bit on the back of my stretchy pants. Ugh. For all I know I have shit on my ass, puke on my front, and now piss on my back. I was suffering. Back to my seat and back to bed.
Plane is early to Atlanta. Say bye to the boy. Tyler will be driving to Auburn from here. I'm good as long as I am sitting down. Try one Delta Crown room but it is closed for the holiday..how dare they. Second Crown room is a success. Have I fully explained how miserable I am? We have a 3 hour layover to get back to Knoxville. I have three people hovering over me asking what I need, how I am, I am about two seconds from turning into the bitch from hell. I can't even get the damn wifi to work on my iPad. Sob.
To make a long story short, across from me is a couple in their mid fifties. She is sobbing. He is quiet. As time passes, I get the story. What else do you do in an airport but watch people and eavesdrop. Thanksgiving morning 2015, their 28 year old son had a seizure. Somehow, someway, he ended up bleeding to death while his wife hopelessly watched. They were desperately trying to get to him, to her, to Colorado.
I have not seen nor felt pain and suffering as I did that day. It was brutal. Yes, I still felt like crap but I ached for this mother and father. They discussed what they were going to miss, how they could help the wife, how they knew he was with Jesus but damn it was still so hard, how they wanted to keep their sons truck. My heart hurt, my gut hurt for their loss.
So my Thanksgiving...
I did not spend the day holding hands around a table full of food saying a blessing. I was not wearing plaid, sequins, or fringe. I did not watch a parade or play family games. I sat in an airport, sick as a dog, thankful for my children. I am thankful for their health and well being. I am thankful for their spirit and joy. I pray that they are saved. I have been blessed by God with two beautiful children that allow me to love unconditionally. I have never been so thankful.